For more than the past few years, before COVID even started, hiring managers across the ag industry have been wanting to know if there will ever be relief from the growing talent shortage. We have some good news. Relief may be on the horizon.
In just the past six months, we’ve seen the number of workers returning to the job market slowly increase. And there’s even been surprises like “the Great Unretirement” as waves of recent retirees began returning to work.
But more than recent trends, many predict the market activity we’re seeing today means we’re about to see a whole new wave of applicants. Is your business truly prepared to meet the demand? Read on to learn more.
What Current Markets Indicate for the Future of the Ag Industry
These days, consumer demand is stronger than ever. Even with inflation reaching an incredible 8.5%, retail sales have increased. Most notably, people are shifting their spending habits from buying goods to spending on services, like eating out in restaurants.
This means growing demand for the ag industry. And while workers are slowly returning to the job market, it’s what many are predicting the future could hold that may turn the job market on its head.
Many are predicting that a shift in the economy and several events around the globe could finally create just the right conditions to turn the tables from a candidate-led market. With the economy in flux, workers who’ve been on the fence or unable to look for work may be motivated to find a job. Especially when continuing to wait may mean facing an uncertain future without the security of employment only to face stiff competition from other workers when they start looking too late.
Trading One Problem for Another
This is excellent news for employers, right? Just what you’ve been waiting for. Not so fast.
Hiring managers may find relief from the persistent shortage of talent, but chances are that the ag industry will be trading out one problem for a host of other issues. Most significantly, as hiring managers face a rush of new applicants, they could find themselves inundated by too many applicants, especially those underqualified for executive or professional roles.
Additionally, with a sizable shift in the employment market, many hiring managers will mistakenly assume this also changes the power dynamic of the candidate-led market. Hiring managers run the risk of undoing all the hard work they put into building an outstanding candidate experience.
The Candidate Experience Will Remain a Top Priority
We get it. If you’re suddenly facing an influx of applicants, you’ve got roles to fill. Employers might not be blamed for thinking they can take more time in the vetting process, conduct more interviews for applicants, and return phone calls to applicants with less urgency, if at all.
This would be a huge mistake.
The past three years have left their mark on the job market. Today’s job seekers know their worth, and they’re not just looking for any old job. They’re looking for the right job with the right employer. The movement to build a better candidate experience improved their job search and gave them an indispensable identifier to help them find the best employers.
Businesses that keep a top notch candidate experience and who continue to make their employee value proposition a priority will attract higher-quality recruits. They’ll save money, time, and avoid a damaged reputation that was a persistent problem in the old way of hiring.
The Ag Industry’s Best Recruiting Strategy
No matter what the future holds, one thing is certain, you need Ag 1 Source to help you recruit top talent. Contact us today to find the best executives and professionals in the ag industry.